Our week was wonderful and full of service! A couple weeks ago we were out tracting in Fairview one day and as it was approaching 6:00 pm we started walking back to our car so we could make it before dark. As we were walking a big scary-looking black truck pulls over in front of us. We thought it was weird so we turned and took another road. The truck came up the road we went down and pulled over. I thought to myself, "Well they better want a Book of Mormon because that’s all they are getting out of us" and pulled one out of my bag, along with some pepper spray. The driver rolled down the window and instead of it being someone scary it was a cute little five foot nothing beautiful woman with bright red lipstick about thirty something. She said, "There are sisters in Fairview!?" I thought it was strange that she knew we were called sisters so I said, "Are you Mormon or something?" Why sugarcoat it, right? Well, she said, "Yes, but I am very inactive!" We talked for a second and then she said, "Do you need a ride?" We didn't but I told her yes so we could continue the conversation and asked her to drive us to our car. Now it was dinner time so she asked if we were hungry and if we had dinner plans. We were actually starving and had nobody to feed us that day so we told her we didn’t have plans! “A” took us out for pizza and while we were eating we got to know her a little. She almost didn't give us her number because she didn't want the church to know where she is, but we really clicked with her and she gave in!
Our week was wonderful and full of service! A couple weeks ago we were out tracting in Fairview one day and as it was approaching 6:00 pm we started walking back to our car so we could make it before dark. As we were walking a big scary-looking black truck pulls over in front of us. We thought it was weird so we turned and took another road. The truck came up the road we went down and pulled over. I thought to myself, "Well they better want a Book of Mormon because that’s all they are getting out of us" and pulled one out of my bag, along with some pepper spray. The driver rolled down the window and instead of it being someone scary it was a cute little five foot nothing beautiful woman with bright red lipstick about thirty something. She said, "There are sisters in Fairview!?" I thought it was strange that she knew we were called sisters so I said, "Are you Mormon or something?" Why sugarcoat it, right? Well, she said, "Yes, but I am very inactive!" We talked for a second and then she said, "Do you need a ride?" We didn't but I told her yes so we could continue the conversation and asked her to drive us to our car. Now it was dinner time so she asked if we were hungry and if we had dinner plans. We were actually starving and had nobody to feed us that day so we told her we didn’t have plans! “A” took us out for pizza and while we were eating we got to know her a little. She almost didn't give us her number because she didn't want the church to know where she is, but we really clicked with her and she gave in!
She told us that she and her husband ”S” are in the middle
of moving so we offered to help and she accepted. We went over to their house twice last
week to help them pack and clean. She
is so sweet and so is her husband. They don't want to be preached to, but they
love having us come over to help and they always feed us dinner when we
do. Well, slowly, progression is happening. “A” started talking about when she was a youth
went on the pioneer trek. She explained
to her husband about her pioneer heritage and told him some stories. He thought
it was so interesting and told us about pioneer trails in Wyoming that he has
visited. All of A’s family is active. She
is the only one who isn't. Slowly but
surely A and S are changing and becoming more open to the gospel. It is amazing!
I went on exchanges with Sister Greene, a brand new missionary last week. She came to Fairview and we were walking down a street in town. I saw a man and suddenly had the thought that he was somebody I needed to approach. I thought it would be a good time to teach Sister Greene about street contacting so I walked up to the man and went with the first thing that came to mind. I said, "Hi sir, do you like to read?" He said, "Yes, I do." Then I asked, "Have you ever read the Book of Mormon?" He got an excited look on his face and said, "No, but I have heard of it and have always wanted to read it! Do you know where I can find one?" I was a little shocked and said, "Oh so you know that Christ came to America?" He said, "Yes, I have heard that but I haven't read the book." So I gave him a Book of Mormon and said, "Here, you can have this one!" He was headed to work, but gave us his number and took ours and said he would start reading it and meet with us. It was a simple approach but it worked for this man. It was a very cool experience.
I went on exchanges with Sister Greene, a brand new missionary last week. She came to Fairview and we were walking down a street in town. I saw a man and suddenly had the thought that he was somebody I needed to approach. I thought it would be a good time to teach Sister Greene about street contacting so I walked up to the man and went with the first thing that came to mind. I said, "Hi sir, do you like to read?" He said, "Yes, I do." Then I asked, "Have you ever read the Book of Mormon?" He got an excited look on his face and said, "No, but I have heard of it and have always wanted to read it! Do you know where I can find one?" I was a little shocked and said, "Oh so you know that Christ came to America?" He said, "Yes, I have heard that but I haven't read the book." So I gave him a Book of Mormon and said, "Here, you can have this one!" He was headed to work, but gave us his number and took ours and said he would start reading it and meet with us. It was a simple approach but it worked for this man. It was a very cool experience.
I hope everyone was able to watch General Conference. I had
a wonderful conference experience. I loved all the talks. I love the idea of
ponderizing. I am taking the challenge
and I invite each of you to take the challenge with me. I am very excited to try it out. It was so awesome to see that Elder Renlund became an apostle since I just met with him a few weeks earlier. I wasn't surprised that he is now an apostle. He was so awesome and I loved his talk!
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This was just a couple of weeks ago and now he is an apostle! |
President Uchtdorf's talk answered many questions I had but
his always do. Saturday morning before
conference I studied Alma 5. In verse 14 it says,
14 And now behold, I ask of you,
my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye
received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change
in your hearts?
I asked myself, "How do I know if I have had a mighty
change in my heart? I want to and I
think I have changed, but I fear that when I go home, I will go back into old
habits like sleeping in and not studying the scriptures every day. How do I
know if I changed?" President
Uchtdorf talked about the exact same scripture that my question came from! He talked about simplifying and how it doesn't
need to be complicated. I tend to complicate everything like missionary work
and life in general. The gospel is simple. I must study it, and then simply
share and testify of what I know.
Elder Lawrence’s talk also helped me with this. He spoke about praying and asking, "What
lack I yet?" I realized I need to do that more often so I can fix the
little things. If we ask Heavenly Father what it is we are lacking in our
personal progression He will make it known to us.
Now back to ponderizing.
Ponderize is a mix between ponder and memorize. You don’t have to
memorize the whole scripture, but read it every single day and ponder it. Pick
it apart and apply it to your life.
If you want to join with me each week I will share what scripture
I choose and then you can do it too.
This week I am going to ponderize D&C 6: 32-34.
32: Verily, verily, I say unto you, as I said unto my
disciples, where two or three are gathered together in my name, as touching one
thing, behold, there will I be in the midst of them- even so am I in the midst
of you.
33: Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow,
that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for
your reward.
34: therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth
and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot
This is a great scripture for what we are experiencing in
the world today. Earth and hell are combining
against the righteous- but if we are built upon Christ’s rock, they cannot
prevail. We are living in the last
days. The evil in the world right now is
hard to comprehend. But we can find
comfort in the gospel and in not being afraid to do what is right.
Love you all!
Sister Park
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